

English Objectives
    • Use English to communicate in writing in various real situations in a clear, personal and creative, with correction, and using appropriate strategies.
    • Read comprehensively and autonomous various English-language texts in order to access information, acquire more knowledge in relation to other areas of interest and a source of enjoyment and entertainment.
    • Reflecting on the performance of English and other languages ​​related to it for communication purposes in varied and increasingly complex in order to improve the productions themselves and understand those developed by others.
    • Knowing fundamental traits and environmental aspects sociocultural transmitted by the English language to communicate better and understand and interpret the different cultures of Andalusia.
    • Expand knowledge of the English language and transfer them to new learning regarding the language in question, other languages ​​and other fields of knowledge and culture in order to regulate their own learning processes.
    • Critically evaluate other ways of organizing and structuring reality relationships understanding the relative value of the conventions and cultural norms

      Syllabus for English IV


      Vida nocturna - Imágenes para redes sociales